- 2019 -
Amateur Radio Technician Class License Course

Do you want to be an Amateur Radio Operator?
Now is your chance to get your first FCC Amateur Radio License.
(Technician Class License)
The NEXT Trainging Class will be co-presented by both two local Amateur Radio clubs the Bolingbrook Amateur Radio Society (BARS) and the Fox River Radio League (FRRL). The NEXT Amateur Radio Class License Course is.....
The Technician Class License Course
Scheduled to Start on May 18th !

Register Now
To Join the 2019 spring/summer Technician Class License Course!
Technician Class Course |
When: Saturday Mornings
Time: 9:00 AM -to- 12:00 PM (noon)
Dates: May 18 -thru- July 27, 2019
Where: Golden Corral - Aurora
4270 E. New York St., Aurora, IL
This class is being sponcored by: Golden Corral - Aurora - 4270 East New York Street, Aurora, IL 60504
(Located North of the Fox Valley Mall, just West of Rt. 59).
Register HERE

The Technician Class License Course is a - FREE - 11 Week Course
What is FIELD DAY?
The ARRL - American Radio Relay League has an anual event called "Field Day" on the forth weekend in June. The annual Field Day event is an Open House for the local Amateur Radio community. During the Field Day event, local Amateur (aka Ham) Radio Operators get together to set up emergency "off the grid" radio stations, to make radio communications (aka contacts). They get "On the Air" and operate for a 24 hours non-stop, to reach other Ham radio stations (many set up in emergency setting as well), across the United States, Canada, and around the world. This annual Field Day event is also a way for Hams to reach out to people in their community to provide information and share with others what the wonderful hobby of Amateur Radio is all about.
This year, the Technician Class course coordinators scheduled the Technician Class Course so the ARRL - American Radio Relay Leauge annual Field Day Event falls in the middle of the Technician Class Course. This way, the Technician Class Students will get the opprotunity to go on a Class "Field Trip to Field Day" to visit the local clubs, BARS and FRRL Field Day site locations on Saturday, June 22, 2019.
- The Bolingbrook Amateur Radio Society - BARS, with their Filed Day site location at Meyer Park in Bolingbrook, IL
- The Fox River Radio League - FRRL, with their Field Day site location at LeRoy Oaks Forest Preserve in St. Charles, IL
Technician Class Field Trip set to visit
the BARS & FRRL Field Day site locations on:
2019 - FIELD DAY - Saturday June 22, 2019
Register Now - Click to attend

The NEW Technician Class License Training Course
Amateur Radio Technician Class License Course
The Bolingbrook Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is once again joining together with the Fox River Radio League (FRRL) to co-present an Amateur Radio Technician Class License training course this summer. This is a FREE - 11 week course. Where you will learn everything you need to receive your New Amateur (Ham) Radio Technician Class FCC radio license.
Amateur Radio Technician Class Training Course Dates: May 18 -thru- July 27, 2019
This Technician Class Course is designed for people who are New to the hobby and are interested in finding out more about the wonderful world of Amateur Radio. There is No prior license required. There is No age limit. There is only the need of interenst in the hobby of Ham Radio and a willingness to learn. Be prepared for interactive, group and individual study. There will be a VE Test Exam on the last week of the course. But not to fret, the Technician Class course itself provides you with all the knowledge and information that you'll need to pass the license exam.
If you are already a Ham... Invite your "Wan-a-be-a-Ham" Friends, your Spouse, your Children, Nieces, Nephews, or Grandchildren to get their Technician Class License. ANYONE is invited to join the class or "sit in" as a refresher. If you've ever had an interest in Amateur Radio, you need to attend this FREE course, study and get your Technician Class Amateur Radio License!
This year’s Technician Class will span over the dates of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Annual Field Day Event on June 22, 2019. The Technician Class Students are scheduled to go on a ClassFIELD TRIP to the BARS and/or FRRL clubs Field Day Site Locations. This "Field Trip to Field Day" will give the students a wonderful first-hand look and experience at what it’s like to be “On the Air” as an Amateur Radio Operator!
Technician Class - Downloadable Flyers::
The Flyers for the Technician Class Course, are downloadable below. Print them out and Pass them around!
Technician Class - Texbook Material:
The Textbook we are using in this class is the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, 4th Edition.
Be sure you have a copy before the class. Books can be purchased online through www.arrl.org, atlocal hamfests, or other online sources such as Amazon, and Kindle. Additional study material will be given to you at the classes. After receiving your ARRL Ham Radio License Manual book, be sure to review the book and read the first chapter. To be ready to dive into learning at the first class and to ask questions.

The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual is available in three different forms:
Soft Cover version - (book like bound)
Spiral Bound version - (opens & lays flat)
Kindle Edition version - (iPad, Tablet devices)
Technician Class - Registration:
The Technician License Class Course is FREE to attend. But to get a head count, we ask you to Register for the class. So we know you plan to attend. Click the "Register" button below to go to the Google Forms website to register.
Register HERE

Technician Class - Schedule & Syllabus:
All classes are held:
Saturdays - 9:00 AM - 12 Noon
Golden Corral - in Aurora 4270 E. New York St.
Technician Class - Syllabus:

Technician Class - Study
Understand, this is not a Cram Class. This Technician Class License Course is designed not only to provide you with the information and answers needed to Pass the License Exam and receive your FCC Technician Class License - It is also designed to give you a general understanding of the threory and knowledge behind the test questions. The information and basic knowledge needed to be a Technician Class Amateur Radio Operator. We teach you "How to be a Ham".
To acheive that goal, there is a fair amount of self study, on your own, which will be required. There is time you will need to spend to read in advance the Textbook Manual before each class Chapter. There will be class interaction, and a time for questions to be asked and answered during each class. There will also be a time needed after the class where you will want to review what was covered in the class, before moving on to the next chapter or section of study.
Technician Class - Course Location:
Golden Corral
4270 East New York Street
Aurora, IL 60504
This Course is sponsored by: Golden Corral - Aurora, IL
Located North of the Fox Valley Mall - West of Rt. 59 on New York Street.
If you wish, to enjoy breakfast please come early.
BARS & FRRL members are invited to come early, eat breakfast, and offer their support.
This Course is being co-presented by local clubs:
Course is presented in affiliation with NIARTT - Northern IL Amateur Radio Training & Testing.

For more information, concerns or questions - Please contact:
BARS & FRRL Education Chairman: Cyndi M Gillies, K9NAX at either:
K9NAX@arrl.net or Edu@k9bar.org or Education@frrl.org
BARS - Education Committee
FRRL - Education Committee
For more information, concerns or questions - Please contact:
BARS & FRRL Education Chairman: Cyndi M Gillies, K9NAX at either:
K9NAX@arrl.net or Edu@k9bar.org or Education@frrl.org