BARS - Nightly Anti-Viral Net
Every night at 7:30 PM / 1930 Central

The BARS Anti-Viral Net is held every night * at 7:30 PM / 1930 Central on the Bolingbrook Amateur Repeater Society (BARS) - K9BAR Linked Repeater System:
Frequency: 147.330, Offset: + 600 KHz, PL Tone: 107.2
BARS - UHF 440 / 70 cm REPEATER:
Frequency: 443.525, Offset: + 5.0 MHz, PL Tone: 114.8
2 meter: 147.330 ONLY
You do not need to be a member of BARS to check in to the Nightly Anti-Viral Net. All licenced Amateur Radio Operators are welcome and encouraged to participate in this net.
Anti-Viral Net History:
In the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic, a few members of the Bolingbrook Amateur Radio Society (BARS) established a nightly Health and Welfare Net to keep are Hams in contact with one another when sheltering in-place was instituted. The "Anti-Viral Net" created on March 16, 2020, celebrated it's one year anniversary on March 16, 2021. The Anti-Viral Net runs every night of the week except the 3rd Monday of the month - which is the night of the monthly meeting for BARS. Each night has a regular Net Control Operator and there is usually a question each night that prompts various discussions. The BARS linked repeater system provides both VHF and UHF frequency use. The BARS Repeater can also be found on EchoLink at "K9BAR-R". A BIG Thank You goes out to the Anti-Viral Net Founders: Rob Sobkoviak, K9NYO -- Gary Smith, AA9JS -- and -- Jaye Sauer, W9CY.
Emergency Backup Repeater for BARS:
Due to the recent noise and interference on the K9BAR Repeaters, which will exist until we get our New Antennas in place and functional. BARS has arranged as an Emergency Backup to use if needed the Naperville EMA Repeater System:
Emergency Backup Repeater for BARS:
NE9MA - UHF 440 / 70 cm REPEATER:
Frequency: 443.050, Offset: + 5.0 MHz, PL Tone: 114.8
BARS - Anti-Viral Net Control Operators

Do you enjoy the BARS Nets? Have you ever considered becoming a NCO (Net Control Operator)?
If you would like to join the Net Committee, and be a NCO - Please contact Scott- KC9UTC, or Rob - K9NYO on the Net Committee.
If you have any questions - please contact: Scott Hagner - KC9UTC -or-
Scott - KC9UTC
* Nightly - Except BARS Monthly Meeting Nights - the 3rd Monday of every month.